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  • Writer's pictureMatt

What Affects your Driving?

Driving on the roads in any country, particularly in the winter months, can be hazardous. Road conditions aside, this can be even more so, simply by how we are thinking and feeling. In other words, our condition, our mental health and well being, can also be hazardous. As humans we are all equally infallible too.

Other factors of how we drive our vehicles will almost certainly include our physical health. This includes prescribed medication or (un)diagnosed health conditions, as just two examples. And how die we sleep these last few nights? Or how much alcohol did we consume yesterday? Undeniably, all of these factors, and more, will come into play.

Perhaps we are not always as responsible as we could be. Perhaps we don't really think it through? Maybe we are having a hard time at home or work, and we just have to quickly reply to that text whilst driving, even when we know we shouldn't.

Meirowitz & Wasserberg, LLP, in the United States, have put together this extremely insightful and well-researched article on the effects of drunk, drowsy and distracted driving. Have a read here and see what you think, all comments and feedback welcome.

Consider what affects you whilst you're behind the wheel. Above all, stay safe this winter.

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